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The worlds smallest, easiest to use blimp.


These patented flying toys are unlike remote control products. They require no assembly, batteries, or expertise of any kind.  Just inflate, wind up the rubber band, and watch it soar!



Flight 1

Four markets :​
1. Toy    2. Promotional   3. DYI Hobby  4. Message

1. Toy



2. Promotional with custom graphics, (flying signage)


3. Hobby DYI


4.  Message. Happy birthday, Happy New Year, Etc.



Helium is widely available in American stores, including grocery, card, drug, and toy stores.

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Pricing is according to quantity and graphics.  We include full graphics services integrated with graphics generator. 


Scan this QR code to talk on WhatsApp or contact us at:


+852 5264 1178 Hong Kong Time

©2023 by BLD Design & Manufacturing HK bldmfg

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